Monday, May 14, 2018


Framework 1:

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GSCM can reduce the ecological impact of industrial activity without sacrificing quality, cost, reliability, performance or energy utilization efficiency. GSCM throws various challenges to practitioners, academicians, and researchers. The purpose of this paper is to briefly provide an overview of the Green supply chain literature.  This paper has indicates that GSCM has helped to reduce the ecological impacts of industrial activity. Key academics have argued different angles to GSCM. Works such as Carter and Ellram  (1998);Srivastava and Srivast -ava (2005);  Shih  (2001);  Nagorney  and  Toyasaki,(2005); and Min et al. (2006) discussed reverse logistics,  whereas Arena  et al. (2003) and Beamon (1999) discussed life-cycle analysis. But the key themes that came out of the GSCM  literature over the last twenty years are the concepts of green design, green operations, reverse logistics, waste management and green manufacturing.  Much research, management education, and many practical applications have focused on buffering the operations function from external influences, including the natural environment, in order to improve efficiencies, reduce cost and increase quality.  The inherent complexity of environmental issues  –  their multiple stakeholders, uncertain implications for competitiveness and international importance –  present significant challenges to researchers. Much research is needed to support the evolution in business practice towards greening along the entire supply chain.  Effective  approaches  for data sharing across the supply chain need to be developed

Framewok 2:

The aims of this study was to introduce and provide an overview of the various issues related to Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) and develop a structural model of the barriers to implement GSCM in Indian automobile industry. Here, a structural model of barriers to implement GSCM in Indian automobile industry has also been put forward using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) technique have been identified through extensive literature review. Based on literature review, eleven numbers of relevant barriers have been identified and subsequent discussions with experts from academia and industry. Out of which, five numbers of barriers have been identified as dependent variables, three number of barriers have been identified as the driver variables and three number of barriers have been identified as the linkage variables. No barrier has been identified as autonomous variable. Four barriers have been identified as top level barriers and one bottom level barrier. Removal of these barriers has also been discussed.  This study is one of the few that have considered the environment sustainability have avoid in the automobile industry in India and their implications on sectoral economy. The result of this study may help to develop for organizations to prioritize better and manage their resources in an efficient and effective way.

Framework 3: 

Supply chain management is the coordination and management of a complex network of activities involved in delivering a finished product to the end-user or customer. It is a vital business function and the process includes sourcing raw materials and parts, manufacturing and assembling products, storage, order entry and tracking, distribution through the various channels and finally delivery to the customer. A company's supply chain structure consists of external suppliers, internal functions of the company, and external distributors, as well as customers (commercial or end-user). Firms may be members of multiple supply chains simultaneously. The management and coordination is further complicated by global players spread across geographic boundaries and multiple time zones. The successful management of a supply chain is also influenced by customer expectations, globalization, information technology, government regulation, competition and the environment.

Green supply chain management is an effective motivated to improve the efficiency and effectively of environmental management, but there have some factors that influence of the operation of green supply chain management. The main factors that influence of the operation of green supply chain management are market and competitor. Nowadays, the competitive among organization is very high because have so many organization was develop in Malaysia. So that, organization needs to make them standing out with other organization and to give a good impress for customers. Being environmental friendly also is one of the ways to differences them from the competitors.
Besides that, the role of the government involves in green supply chain management has been getting increasing attention. In the United States, there have a large number of government agency controlling guide line, regulation and law. These agency and organization are responsible for either similar or different issues such as pollution, chemical waste and product material. For an example, one of the government agencies is Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Environmental Protection Agency is a government organization established to protect human health and the environment. The focus on EPA is developing the best practices of green supply chain management and bringing awareness of those practices through guidebooks and manuals. (US EPA, 2000).
Last factor that can influence of operation of green supply chain is decision making. Decision making involves a wide range of knowledge because it includes many factors such as environment, commercial performance, the benefits of a lot of behavior subjects and others. According to Nagurne (2003), the members decision behaviors of green supply chain are utilized the network model to set up the corresponding multiple goals decision model and provided the corresponding algorithm on the problems that asked. Manufacturer also needs to make decision when choosing supplier because collaborative relationships between manufacturers and supplier is very important to organization to implementation of green supply chain management.

Framework 4:

The objective of this study is to contribute significantly to the first wave of empirical investigations related to the impact of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices on performance. The model incorporates green supply chain practices that link manufacturers with supply chain partners (both suppliers and customers) to support environmental sustainability throughout the supply chain.

Some factors has been have been considered  to influence the performance of supply chain management such as Internal Environmental Management, Green Information Systems, Green Purchasing, Cooperation With Customers, Eco-design and Investment Recovery. A total of 159 manufacturing managers were selected for this study using structural equation modelling methodology. The findings of this study shows that the adoption of GSCM practices by manufacturing organizations leads to improved environmental performance and economic performance, which, in turn, positively impact operational performance.

Framework 5:

The GSCM practices are conceptualized to include green procurement, green manufacturing, green distributors and green logistics. This sustainability performances is investigated from the perspectives economic performance, environmental performance and social performance. This study show that

 green supply chain management is positively related to sustainability performance. The benefit that can be derived from environmental collaboration have been recognised in this framework. The direct relationship between Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices and sustainibilty performance. Environmental collaboration is proposed as a moderator of the link between GSCM practises and sustainability in view of the presence of the environmental collaboration could facilitate GSCM practices and firms which form collaborative relationships with suppliers would be easy to implement GSCM practices. Conclusion is environmental collaboration moderates the relationship between GSCM practices and sustainability performance.

Friday, March 23, 2018


Supply Chain Challenges

1. Supply chain have seen increasing challenges to create, and keep, efficient and effective supply chain methods. Here we discuss eight of the biggest supply chain challenges.
  • Customer service - Supply chain management is all about providing the right product in the right quantity to the right place and the right time. Seems simple, but can get complicated quickly.
  • Cost control - Operating costs are under extreme pressure by rising energy or fuel and freight costs, greater number of global customers, technology, increasing labor rates and new regulations and rising commodity prices.
2. Supplier/partner relationship management 

  • Finding suppliers
Of all the challenges procurement professionals face with suppliers, simply finding them was the biggest one. Regardless of whether they were looking overseas to China or elsewhere, finding suppliers who could provide the products they need according to their specifications was a struggle.
  • Supplier relationship management and performance evaluation
Once they found the right suppliers, building a relationship and everything that goes along with it seems to cause some headaches. When mentioning performance evaluation, quality was the standard most frequently mentioned as a sticking point. 
  • Evaluating potential suppliers and selecting the right one 
 Again, the challenges don't end once potential suppliers are identified. Choosing the right selection criteria, finding the relevant supplier information and collaborating on supplier evaluation were all named as difficulties in this area.

3. Managing Inventory

Managing inventory goes beyond counting how many boxes sit in the warehouse. This is an offensive action. Maintain sufficient inventory at hand so that all client and client expectations are met. The right time prevents delays. Suitable quantities prevent inadequate inventory while minimizing the impact on profits.

4. Fast Changing Market

The fast-changing consumer market also brings with it supply chain management challenges. the product has a shorter life cycle as market demands change quickly. Companies are under pressure to keep up with the latest and innovative trend by introducing new products, while keeping their overall production costs low as they understand that the trend will not last for a long time. It also demands a flexible supply chain that can be used for other product manufacturing and for future projects.

5. Risk mitigation

Companies that are too dependent on one supplier are vulnerable if the supplier is unable to meet the demand. Supply chain managers must reduce the risk that the Asian earthquake will not stop production lines in North America. Sufficient backup plan helps ensure that the company's supply chain is flexible to handle changes. For example, if a supplier becomes a bankrupt, the company's supply chain continues without profit being affected.

6. Quality & Compliance

Product quality often occurs manually with compliance. Companies need to ensure that they meet local and international regulatory standards in the manufacture, packaging, handling and delivery of their products. In addition to conducting quality control and security testing, companies are also required to provide compliance documents such as permits, licenses, and certifications that can cope with them and their supply chain management systems.

7. Weather/Natural Disasters

Something not even the most experienced or information fueled store network supervisor can anticipate is a sudden change in climate or cataclysmic event. These occasions can directly affect the framework important for transporting cargo. These concealed dangers can become possibly the most important factor out of the blue and are known for their unforgiving nature. Despite the fact that they are famously eccentric, having an arrangement set up can take the weight off the store network and maintain a strategic distance from an excessive number of interruptions. The test is concocting a debacle arrange for which all connections all through the production network can rely upon and hope to take after if an issue were to emerge. . 

The arrangement will depend on close correspondence and coordinated effort between every one of the gatherings all through a supply organize. Understanding what sort of climate is well on the way to affect a particular production network ought to likewise be thought about. With this information, organizations can build up an arrangement where they can respond to severe climate or cataclysmic events flawlessly. On the off chance that each connection in a production network is told and stayed up with the latest on the most proficient method to respond to a debacle, it can enable the supply to organize ricochet back significantly more rapidly.

8. Customer Service Expectations

Customers have more information available to them than ever before and they use this information to demand larger product variety at a lower price whether shopping on-line or in a store. In 2016, supply chains that support on-line, catalog, brick & mortar, and wholesale channels will need to be fully synchronized to meet customer requirements efficiently. With Amazon and other on-line retailers setting high availability and delivery expectations, supply chain managers will have to take stock in 2016, and understand their customers’ expectations.

Companies will need integrated supply chains to meet the requirements of each unique sales channel, with an integrated management team supported by a shared end-to-end supply chain planning and execution solution.


Framework 1: GSCM can reduc...